April 28    Cafe at Logie Steading, Forres, UK, 12-3pm

July 27-28   Belladrum Tartan Heart Festival, Burke 'n' Hair stage, UK, 3.30pm

August 05-24   Adaptation: Enough Already, C-Venue, Fringe Festival, Edinburgh, UK, 12noon

August 05-24   Unbelievable, C-Venue, Fringe Festival, Edinburgh, UK, 4.50pm




April 20   Sharing, Universal Hall, Findhorn, UK 7.30pm

March 17    Cafe at Logie Steading, Forres, UK, 12-3pm

March 7   Adaptation: Enough Already, Jackson's Lane Theatre, London, UK, 2pm
                          Q&A facilitated by Mary Daniels, with Dr. Gabor Maté

Februar 25    Cafe at Logie Steading, Forres, UK, 12-3pm

January 25   "Yellow Moon", Alfred-Zingler-Haus, Gelsenkirchen, GER, 19 Uhr - ausgebucht -

January 14,   Familienfrühstück, Salzmannbau, Düsseldorf, GER, 10 Uhr

December 1   Adaptation: Enough Already, Theatre, Universal Hall, Findhorn, UK, 7.30pm

November 26    Cafe at Logie Steading, Forres, UK, 12-3pm

November 12    Cafe at Logie Steading, Forres, UK, 12-3pm

October 29    Cafe at Logie Steading, Forres, UK, 12-3pm

October 15    Cafe at Logie Steading, Forres, UK, 12-3pm

October 13   Scotch Night Fund, Rafford Village Hall, Rafford, UK, 7.30pm

October 1    Cafe at Logie Steading, Forres, UK, 12-3pm

September 23   Open Day, Phoenix Cafe, Ecovillage The Park,  Findhorn, UK, 1pm

September 17    Cafe at Logie Steading, Forres, UK, 12-3pm

September 16   Forres Friends of Woods and Fields, Chapolton Field, beyound Sanquhar Pond, Forres UK, 3pm

September 3    Cafe at Logie Steading, Forres, UK, 12-3pm

August 14-26   Adaptation: Enough Already, Theatre at Fringe Festival, Edinburgh

August 4-13   Busking at Fringe Festival, Edinburgh

August 28-29   Belladrum Tartan Heart Festival, Burke 'n Hair stage, 2.30pm

July 22  Wedding Connor, Lossiemouth

June 2 - July 9    Busking around Scotland

May 30   Living Room Concert at Sandy's, Nairn

May 28   Cafe at Logie Steading, Forres, UK, 12-3pm

May 27   Phoenix Cafe, The Park, Findhorn, UK, 11.30am

May 21   Cafe at Logie Steading, Forres, UK, 12-3pm

May 20   Spring Market, Nairn, UK, 2pm

April 8   Cafe at Logie Steading, Forres, UK, 12-3pm

March 26   Cafe at Logie Steading, Forres, UK, 12-3pm

March 12   Cafe at Logie Steading, Forres, UK, 12-3pm

February 26   Cafe at Logie Steading, Forres, UK, 12-3pm

February 18   Songs and Poems with Dave Till, Universal Hall, Findhorn, UK,   7.30pm

February 12   Cafe at Logie Steading, Forres, UK, 12-3pm